Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Running with friends | Sometimes you forget the mess

Workout- 3 miles outside (walk/jog) with my friend Meredith 

So this week I am totally loving running outsides with friends! When you run with friends the time just seems to pass so much faster and it's the perfect time to catch up on each other's lives. Plus when I find that I run faster and push myself harder when I'm running with someone else. Today on our run Meredith and I took turns picking landmarks that we would run to before we started the next walking interval which was really fun because it mixed things up a little. I love interval runs they really challenge me whether it is picking the interval lengths myself by just listening to my body, switching off with a friend picking the interval lengths or running listening to a training app on my phone. 

So today was a really great day with my kiddos and my house is a mess to prove it. But you know what I'm ok with it! Sometimes you just need to forget about the mess and get down on the floor and play with your kiddos. They are only this size for so long and my little princess isn't going to always think that the world revolves around me. So today my mottos was just forget the mess and let them be little. 

See here's the proof that we forgot about the mess and let toys form piles on the bedroom floor and books pile high on the changing table. But you know what it was a great day and there's always time to put my house back together later but this time when my children are little is happening now and I don't want to miss it.  I love the following quote and I'm trying to apply it more to my life:
(I found the above image on pinterest)

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