Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pushing my limits - tone it up workout

I've been feeling a real need to kick my workouts up a notch or two lately. I really don't want to end up in a running rut they are so hard to break out of. Plus losing the baby weight a little bit faster wouldn't hue either - haha! So I started checking all my go to workout inspiration blogs and hit the jack pot on Sugar Plum Runner where she shares this shredmill Tone It Up workout. Now being a total novice runner I knew I needed to make some adjustments or modifications to make this shredmill workout work for me. First of all I would be running outside pushing both my kiddos in a jogging stroller so I need to work up to the full workout.

Here's the original workout:

  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’- as fast as you can
  • 60 Second Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 20 Pushups
  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’- as fast as you can
  • 60 Second Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 20 Squat Jumps
  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’- as fast as you can
  • 60 Second Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 20 situps
  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’- as fast as you can
  • 60 Second Jog
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 30 second plank
  • 5 minute cool down walk

And here's my modified version:

  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second brisk walk
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
  • 60 Second brisk walk
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 20 Pushups (I did inclined pushups on a park bench with my little princess trying to do them right along with me = great motivation)
  • 3 Minute Brisk Walk
  • 3 Minutes Jog
  • 60 Second brisk walk
  • 60 Second ‘Sprint’ ~ just as fast as you can run- this speed can vary
  • 60 Second brisk walk
~ Chill for 20-30 seconds, breathe, take a couple sips of water (take as much time as you think you need to calm your breathing.)

  • 20 situps

  • 5 minute cool down walk (I wanted to do at least one more set but the little princess had been eyeing the playground for 25 minutes at this point and asking so politely to go play so I decided cut things short and work up to adding the last two sets over the next couple weeks)
The little princess had so much fun running around, climbing, and sliding how could I regret ending my workout a little early! Plus we have to soak up as much of this January summer as we can while it lasts!

After some quality time at the park it was back home for one of my favorite post-run snacks - a slice of cheddar cheese for a punch of protein.

What's your favorite post run snack?

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