Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rainy Days - Thursday Tangents

Rain Rain is here to stay so inside is where we play.

So it rained yesterday so working out didn't exactly happen. And you know what that's ok with me sometimes it's nice just to spend the day inside on the floor with your little ones. I'm pretty sure the little princess loves rainy days because in addition to the mandatory puddle jumping (sorry no pictures) she gets to watch a movie or two. However, we try (emphasis on try here) not to watch movies all day even when it's raining - we have to do something to get the wiggles out. I'm always on the lookout for new activities to do at home that keep my little princess happy and out of trouble. Yesterday one of her favorite activities was rolling out our huge roll of ikea paper for our easel on the floor and letting her go to town with her art supplies.

What's your favorite rainy day activity?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Workin' it Wednesday | Princess Party

AM Workout - Abs with the abs playlist
PM Workout - Arms with the Pura Vida slim and toned arms workout from

If you couldn't tell I'm on a kick this week. I'm trying to follow their weekly workout schedule. It's fun to try new workouts and really push yourself with new exercises! I'm loving it so far and I'm really hoping that by mixing it up I'll be able to push through my weight loss plateau my weigh-ins have been slightly disappointing the past couple weeks so I'm mixing things up.

Today the little princess got to go to one of her little friends birthday parties. It was a girls only party and was princess themed. All the girlies dressed up in princess dresses, played, had a tea party and ate cupcakes. A perfect party in my little princesses eyes!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Two a day Tuesday | Open Gym

AM Workout - 3 miles outside pushing the kiddos with a friend (5.88/60 for #60bySpring)

Ok friends let me tell you about this run it was awesome. I love running with Jessica because we are training for the same 10k. Yep that's right I talked her into running it with me. Anyways we both push each other which is great. This time we ran around a local lake that's about a mile around once and we were able to make it 3/4 of a mile without stopping. Now this is a major big deal for me because less than a month ago running for 30sec was a struggle for me. Remember I only had the little prince 5 1/2 months ago! So I'm really proud of the progress I've been making. And in order to keep pushing myself I've joined with community for a #60bySpring challenge to run/walk/jog 60 miles by the first day of Spring less than a month left!

PM Workout - Bikini Series Sunset Workout from

After our awesome run we had a yummy snack of Noosa Youghurt we ran into some sales reps passing out samples on our run can you say score?! It was a great and delicious protein punch after a great run.
Source: google images
This stuff tasted like candy but I'm a sucker for lemon anything.
After our yummy snack we killed some time at the local public library before it was time for Open Gym at children's gymnastics club. The little princess loves books so we had to check out a few and she's on a MAJOR Babar kick right now so naturally two of them had to be Babar books. Then as her reward for being such a good girl on my run it was off to Open Gym for "nyastics" as the little princess calls it. This girl loves to play on all the gymnastics equipment and bounce on all the trampolines and jump in the foam pits. I think her favorite part is the toddler room though because everything is her size and there are usually fewer kids in there than the "big" gym. 

Walking the "tight rope" she told me so
And the little prince was just as happy as can be practicing his new trick of sitting unsupported and watching his big sister have fun.
Showing off his new trick and watching his sister with a huge smile on his face he thinks she's the best thing ever (after Momma of course)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekly Goals | Fat Burning Monday

Workout- Rest

Sunday was sleeping in a little too late - we were late to church. Playing at home. More laundry - I finally finished updating the prince's wardrobe he has something to wear again! And dinner at my parents house.

Weekly Goals
1. Follow the weekly workout schedule
2. Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces each day
3. Go to bed before Midnight!!!

AM workout - Fat Burning Run (30 min - see below)
Fat Burning Run
(This can be done on the treadmill but I did it outside pushing my littles)
Warm up - 5 min
Jog - 2 min
Run - 60 seconds
Walk - 2 min
Jog - 2 min
Sprint - 60 seconds
Walk - 2 min
Jog - 2 min
Sprint - 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
Sprint - 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
Sprint - 45 sec (last sprint) 
Walk - 3 min
Jog - 3 min
Cool down 4 min

PM workout - Abs & Arms (Love Your Body Arms & Abs from - I only made it through the circuit 2 times but I'm ok with it, but there is room to grow 3x is the goal

Monday we had a fun park play day at a new park near our neighborhood. In the bottom picture the princess is making grass angels because we don't get snow of course. It was fun to get out in the sun and watch my little princess play with her friends and be brave. The little prince had a good time sitting on my lap watching all the kids run free. Then he got cranky and it was time for a nap haha. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What we've been up to

Workout - Rest

I wasn't planning on a rest day but earlier in the week my mom gifted me a mani/ pedi while she watched my kids! So nice to be the one getting pampered for an hour. Anyway I took advantage on Monday but on my left big toe part of my cuticle was I guess cut to close and it kinda split open a little after yesterdays workout so a forced rest day for me. Oh well it's better to run healthy than keep working up an injury. I soaked my toe in hydrogen peroxide a couple times and that seems to have done the trick!

For Valentine's a bunch of my friends and I all got together at a local park with our littles for a Valentine's cookie decorating party. The kids decorated a couple sugar cookies each and then just ran free at the park for a couple hours. It was so fun. The little princess is usually so shy and timid and insists that I stay right by her the whole time. But at the party she really came out of her shell a little bit and after my friend Bessie walked her over to where her daughter A was playing (one of the the little princess' favorite friends) the little princess was off and running with the rest of the kiddos. It made me proud and a little sad at the same time my baby girl is getting big! She would of course come check on me and the little prince to update us and make sure we were watching!

Other goings on from the day included exersaucer time for the prince her sure loves that thing

A pedicure for the little princess. Her nails needed to be "so pretty" for her playdate with H and baby C tonight while my friend watched our kiddos so we could go out! We are trying out a babysitting exchange with them once a month they watch our kiddos and we watch their girls another night that month = free baby-sitting for date night one night a month.

In other news the little prince has grown out of most of his 3-6 month clothes so now it's on to the 6-9 months clothes. Which means massive mountains of laundry all over my house while I'm transitioning his entire closet and dresser from one size to the next. Its a whole lot'o laundry.

Workout - 40 min jog outside SOLO - the hubby offered to go into work late (yes he works on Saturdays way too much for my liking but someone has to pay the bills) so that I could get in a solo run!!! I ran half the time and walked the other half {I'm improving!}

Here's what my playlist looks like for runs I'm not chatting with friends during. Can I tell you how much I am loving listening to General Conference talks from the October 2013 LDS General Conference! I never feel like I am able to listen to these talks when they are given because let's face it watching conference with a toddler presents certain shall we say challenges. But listening to them while I'm running is great. I really feel like I'm able to listen and workout the messages for myself. I didn't think I'd be able to run to something other than music but it's been great. I run faster and the time passes more quickly without me noticing when I'm listening to Conference talks. So I highly recommend it!
The rest of the day was more or less business as usual around here. Still sifting through mountains of laundry! Grocery shopping. And other odds and ends around the house.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday Ramblings

Workout - Run 3 miles outside with a good friend

Thursday was a calm before the storm kind of a day. We had a full schedule for Valentine's Day including a date night for the hubby and I! So to prepare for our busy day on Valentine's we did a whole lot of nothing around the house. Some days it feels good just to get down on the ground and play with your kiddos just forgetting about the huge mountains of laundry that are threatening to eat me alive. Oh well I'll deal with them later my kiddos are only this tiny once!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Getting back on the blogging track

Sorry for the break in posting the little prince has been teething and it's kinda thrown a wrench in my blogging. Oh well life happens and teething bites we get over it and move on!

Playing catch-up

Saturday- yoga with my sister
Sunday - rest
Monday- run outside (4.5 miles) with a friend pushing the babes {I ran half and walked the other half a new record for me a mile straight of running!!}
Tuesday- 20 min leg workout love your legs and booty from
Wednesday - 20 min Love Your Body HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout for & the Total Body Love Your Body series workout from

As you can tell I've really been loving the ToneItUp workout this past week. They are so good you really work up a sweat, they are short but super effective so I can fit them in my day, like I said the little prince is teething so my days have been a little off lately.

Saturday we were able to spend some time at the park enjoying our perfect weather it had just rained and was still chilly but not to the point where you needed a heavy (for California) jacket.

Sunday was Church and family time. We celebrated all the February birthdays (there are 4 3 SIL's and 1 nephew) at Grandma and Grandpa's (the Hubby's parents) the little princess had fun picking out a gift for her cousin we got him a nerf gun. Dinner was yummy my SIL's requested stuffed shells and luckily my nephew also likes stuffed shells so he was good with the decision too. I knew there would be cake and I didn't want to be tempted so I made my own dessert that was only 4 PointsPlusWW point - recipe to come in another post.

Monday - got a text from a good friend who's training for the same 10K I'm running in March (I actually talked her into running it with me) asking if I wanted to run with her and I'm so glad she did I was actually thinking of skipping my run on monday because I haven't been sleeping well due to how restless the little prince has been because of teething. But in the end I ended up loading the kids in the stroller and joining her for a 4.5 mile hilly run (we walked the ups and ran all the downs) and it felt great. However, I did NOT drink enough water so I had a splitting heartache the rest of the day. Drink your water people when you exercise it is so so so important. Hydration is key!

Tuesday - had a day at home trying to keep my house back in order I've been in spring cleaning mode. A couple different friends came over throughout the day to go through all the old baby girl clothes that we have been storing in the garage and we getting ready to donate. So it was fun to see all the outfits the princess used to wear when she was a wee thing. Yes I did save all my absolute favorites to hand down to my sister and other sentimental reasons.

Wednesday- yesterday. We were invited to go play at the play area of a local outdoor mall to take advantage of the good weather (but we really need rain this drought is serious) and we decided to go. My little princess is so shy at first and wants to be right by my side (which i love and hate at the same time) but she eventually warmed up and was off playing with her friends and being brave all by herself. So as a reward for her bravery we got a treat from the Nordstrom e-bar while the little prince had his bottle; the princess got a fudge brownie, I got a fruit cup and she stole all my strawberries.

Weekly Goals
We will get back to weekly goals next week

But let's check in on last weeks goals
1. Go to bed at or before 11pm - half check I was better but there were still a couple nights I could have been way better and gotten off the computer and gone to bed.
2, 2 strength training workout - check. check!
3. eat fruits and veggies at every meal including snacks - fail really need to work on this one!

Friday, February 7, 2014

First mani

Workout - Love Your Body Yoga routine

Today we didn't do much just kinda hung around the house trying (unsuccessfully I might add) to get things done. It's hard to be super productive around the house with two little ones under the age of three at home. Well at least it is for me. If there are any super moms out there who have the secrets to a clean house and happy kids please fill me in! But in all our unproductive splendor I did give the little princess her first manicure. She has been asking me for a couple weeks to paint her finger nails like mommy so while her brother was napping (the poor boy he misses out on a lot of fun - not that he'd want his nails painted) I finally gave in and did her finger nails, I've been painting her toe nails since she was a baby. She was so proud to pick out the color (of course she picked pink sparkles) and sat so still on our couch while and watched her movie while she got her nails done. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fav post running snacks

Workout - 20 min yoga video/ 7 min foam roller routine

It rained today so no run. We did a lot of playing inside today and a quick trip to Costco to stock up on some of our favorites. So I thought I'd share a couple of my newest post run/ workout snacks.

  1. I have recently discovered how great soy milk is in shakes and mixed with chocolate syrup for a great post run protein punch. Soy milk is so much thicker than fat free skim milk so it's more satisfying in a shake and post run drink. Plus the vanilla flavor is yummy alone too! So after a good run I indulge in a small glass of yummy chocolate milk. I mix 1/2 cup of vanilla silk soy mily with a couple tablespoons of chocolate syrup. Can you say  yum yum!?! 
  2. Kiwi fruit! 1 (one) cut up Kiwi fruit is the perfect tropical tasty treat that is packed with potassium to help those tired muscles recover

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Change it up | circuit training run

Workout - Circuit training run (details below)

Today I thought I would change things up a bit and make up my own circuit training run to push my muscles into fat burning mode (I hope).  There's a park near where we lives that has a paved trail around the field area that is 1/4 mile once around so that's were we headed (plus the little princess would be able to get her wiggles out after the run) So here's what I did.

Circuit Training Run:
Warm up lap at a brisk walk
Run/ jog 1 (one) lap
20 single leg front back lunges

  • Start with feet should width apart. step forward into a front lunge with your right leg. come back to center only tap your toe to the ground. with the same leg (right leg) step back into a back lunge.  come back to center. that's one rep. x20 switch sides
Run/jog 1 (one) lap
20 push ups
Run/jog 1 (one) lap
20 crunches
Run/jog 1 (one) lap
20 side lunges (each side)
Cool down lap

Feeling great!
She's always happy when the run's over and she gets to play
Keeping hydrated!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Loving Yoga

Workout - walk/jog outside with my babes (30 min) Love Your Body with Yoga workout from

So lately I have been loving Yoga. Yoga in the morning or at night I just love it. I've been getting really tight quad muscles from all my running that I've been feeling the need to give them and all my other muscles a little extra love. So yoga fits that description perfectly. I love how you can work up such a good sweat in such a little amount of time with a good workout. I've been following and have loved every single workout from Karena and Katrina and just had to share their newest yoga video. So here you go enjoy.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap and Weekly Goals

Workout -  20 min yoga workout from New video ~ BEACH YOGA ☀

Saturday was a little crazy! The Hubby had to go into work super early and it was a weekend day (boo hoo | ok pity party over) so I was at home with the kiddos. It was crazy windy outside so my morning run was out. As much as I love my jogger it's like a wind sail on a windy day, I'm all for a good sweat but it's like trying to control a sailboat not a stroller ... no thanks! So it was off to the grocery store with both kiddos in tow first thing in the morning. I'm sure we were quite the sight the little process did not want to change out of her jams and I didn't want to fight her on it so to the store in jams she went. The little prince was also in warm jams but hey he's only 5 months old so it's no biggie for him. And then there was me in my yoga pants, fleece pullover (it's comfort all the way for me when it's weekend errands with the kiddos sans hubby), the process was in the stroller and the little prince got to snooze in the Ergo Baby. After groceries it was back home to actually get ready for the day, eat lunch and have a business as usual kind of day.

Workout - rest

Sunday we had church and it was fast and testimony meeting during Sacrament (one Sunday a month - usually the first Sunday our Church abstains from 2 meals and donates the money we would have spent on those meals as fast offerings to be used to help those in need feed their families and then during Sacrament meeting those wishing to do so may share their testimony). I actually really love fast and testimony Sundays I feel more refreshed than I usually do from Church on a fast sunday. After Church the Hubby helped the Deacons (12-14 yr old young men) collect fast offerings while I feed the kiddos lunch. Then it was nap time for the princes and playtime with Mommy for the princess until it was time to take a salad to make and take over to Nana and Papa's (my parents) for the Supper Bowl.

Last week's Goals
1. fill water bottles in the morning to drink more water a day - check! I ended up drinking way more water than usual woot woot
2. three (3) training runs - check! I clocked 10 miles last week (this is huge for me)
3. go to bed at or before 11pm each night - epic fail! guys I was so bad about going to bed early last week 

This Week's Goals
1. Go to bed at or before 11pm 
2, 2 strength training workout
3. eat fruits and veggies at every meal including snacks

Workout - 2.5 miles outside (jog/walk) pushing my munchkins
my selfie for the #mnbchallenge #sweatpink

post run snack I kiwi fruit Yum Yum